Neither Age Nor Exposure

今日は、以前のブログで言及したまま(、その後詳しく紹介していなかったKit Field編のIssues in modern foreign languages teaching (Routledge Falmer, 2000)を再読。
編者Kit Field自身のThe changing place of Modern Foreign Languages in the curriculumと題された巻頭論文から冒頭を引く。

  • There is no tradition of pedagogy in the history of compulsory education in England and Wales. From Victorian times, when MFLs first appeared on the school curriculum, no formal teacher training was required, and native speakers were employed to service the perceived needs of the British upper middle classes. (中略)Undoubtedly there has been a series of trends and recommended methodologies, and within the field of MFL teaching and learning more than in most other subject disciplines. The pragmatic alternative to following a stipulated pedagogy has led to a polarization of teaching and learning styles, linked inextricably to the perceived purposes of teaching and learning MFLs in secondary schools. Richardson (1981) asserts that recommended approaches to teaching foreign languages have always been linked to the perceived purposes. With no formal direction until 1988, teachers have been able to determine their own aims and objectives, resulting in the view ‘… there is no such thing as a new idea in language teaching’ (Swarbrick, 1994: 1). (p.3)


  • Good practice means learning lessons from the past. Fulfilling the stated purposes requires professional understanding, and the ability to make and justify decisions about how and what to teach pupils in one’s charge. (p. 18)


  • Without any dominant pedagogy structuring teaching and learning process, teachers have always adopted commonsense approaches which ‘feel right’, yet which can also be justified professionally in terms of the most recent dominant theory. The emergence of a so-called communicative approach in the 1980s, has not proven to be the answer to all problems. Theorists and teachers are now very ready to criticize the justification for a situational and functional approach, as in practice teachers have adapted and amended the model presented to them. (p. 18)

この本には、興味深い論文も収録されている。Keith Sharpe and Patricia DriscollのAt what age should foreign language learning begin?
ここでは、the age factor(何歳から?)とthe time factor(どのくらい時間をかければ?)の両方に関して先行研究を精査し、どちらの要因に関しても明確な結論は導けないと述べている。つまり、早く始めたからいいとも、長く学んでいればいいとも言えないというわけである。(引用にSingleton, 1987とあるが、1989ではないか?)

  • Studies have failed to show any clear long-lasting benefit for the young learner except in naturalistic settings. It may be that there is a level of ‘actual’ overall learning time that needs to be spent in naturalistic contexts before younger beginners show their superiority to older beginners, and it may be that this can never be replicated in formal classroom settings. (p. 87)


  • With respect to the time factor, there is little conclusive evidence to show that the extra early years yield better results in linguistic proficiency later in schooling; however other variables should perhaps be examined before firm conclusions are drawn. The lack of linguistic superiority could also be a result of inappropriate teaching methods for young pupils within the primary school, a lack of relevant subject knowledge on behalf of primary teachers, or a lack of differentiation in the materials and methods to suit pupils of varying abilities. The lack of liaison between the primary and secondary schools, may inhibit pupils’ progression, and therefore could mask the advantage of the time factor. (pp.79-80)

彼らは、小学校で外国語教育を導入すべし、という結論を導いているが、そこでのキーコンセプトは ’primary languages’ というものである。

  • Sharpe and Driscoll promote ‘primary languages’ as a means of improving the education of young people, and not exclusively as a way of improving foreign language skills.


本日のBGM: Borrowed Time (Richard and Linda Thompson)