

a. I have to write something on training specification.
b. I have something to write on training specification.
という二つの文を考える時、a.とb. の構造が異なる以上、表す意味は異なると考えるのが自然であろう。もしも、b.の英文の表す意味がわからないという学習者に、それはa.とほぼ同じ意味だ、とパラフレーズするのはごまかしにしかならないだろう。


9. The child has a lot of toys with which to play.
10. I wanted some solitude in which to think over things.
「〜すべき」という意味で不定詞を名詞の修飾に用いること、またその場合、自動詞の不定詞ならば前置詞を必要とすることはすでに学んだ。この場合、修飾関係をいっそう蜜にするために、関係代名詞を置くことがある(例:a house to live in → a house in which to live)。
9. toys with which to play = toys to play with
10. solitude in which to think over things = solitude to think over things in
(Practice 66関係詞 (2), pp.132-133)


At that time I had no house in which I could live.
→ At that time I had no house in which to live.
→ At that time I had no time to live in.
The truly rich society is not the one that goes on piling up economic wealth as an end itself, but that uses its wealth as the foundation on which to build a rich and many-sided culture.

江川泰一郎著『英文法解説』改訂三版(金子書房、1991年) より引く。

名詞との間に関係代名詞が入る例 文語の語法である。
I have no words with which to express my gratitude. (感謝の言葉もありません)
His small capital formed a useful basis on which to build a fortune. (わずかな資本が財産を作る上で有力な基礎となった)
(第13章 準動詞、p.318)


He gave them land on which to live. 彼は彼らに住む(べき)土地を与えた。
She must have a man to whom to cling. 彼女にはすがるべき男がいなくてはならない。
これらは、to live on [on which they could live]; to cling to [to whom she could cling] といい換えることもできる。



  • 知事は義務教育にどうかかわればいいのか。(産経ニュース)


  • 金は出すけど口は出さない。




  • 変わるもの・変えられないもの


  • 既に変わっ(てしまっ)たもの・今まさに変わりつつあるもの・これから変わるもの
  • 変えたいもの・変えられないもの・変えたくないもの
  • 変わらないもの・変わってはいけないもの

本日のBGM: Stupid Mouth Shut (HEM)


  • It may be no coincidence that in the same century the French invented the restaurant. For a long time, Paris shops had sold hot food to customers, but without providing a place in which to consume it. Nor would the shopkeepers supply individual portions. Innkeepers, on the other hand, supplied individual portions, but offered no choice, and everyone had to eat at the same time. The new creation, the restaurant, provided the benefits of both without the inconveniences of either.
  • American consumer society rose on the solid base of increasing purchasing power. The amount of money Americans spent on items beyond the necessities of housing, clothing, and food increased from 20 percent to almost 35 percent of income in the first three decades of the century. To consume took on whole new meanings. American prosperity gave quite ordinary citizens cars, electric products, telephones, and ready-made fashions, for which the European masses would have to wait until mid-century. On top of this, Americans had more free time in which to enjoy these goods: weekly work time decreased by almost 10 hours between 1900 and 1926, to 50.6 hours.
  • If politics were at an end, if this was our fate, what would this mean for us? In the modern era politics has promised to give human societies control over their fate, by creating a space, a political realm, in which to seek answers to the fundamental questions of politics --- who we are, what we should get, how we should live.
  • In western medicine, patients wait until they are sick before they see the doctor, and then receive powerful treatment like surgery or strong drugs to force their bodies to get better again quickly. But Chinese medicine has an extra element that western medicine does not: time. Because patients are treated throughout their life and not just when they are sick, Chinese treatments have a long title in which to work. That means that they can be gentle and kind treatnents which help to improve the physical condition of the patient.