perfectly unbalanced


今回の中間試験、2年のオーラルでは、「意見文」のformatted taskとして、理由付けとしてボディに入るべき情報のみを書かせた。formatそのものと下敷きになるパラグラフは、広島大附属福山高校の研究授業を見に行った翌週の授業で、某教科書に載っている問題のある英文を板書した時のモノ。どうせなら、こういうformatで書くべし、ということで指摘し今回の出題に至ったものである。参考資料はグロサリーを作るのが面倒だったので、新聞社系サイトから拝借した。大先輩であるKさん、御免なさい。

5.次の空所[ 1 ], [ 2 ]を適切な英文で補充し、意見文を完成しなさい。それぞれ、1文でなくとも構わない。参考資料の英文を適宜利用して構わない。

I think the death penalty is necessary. It is effective in preventing violent crimes for two reasons.
Firstly, [       1 .]
Secondly, [      2 .]
For the two reasons above, I strongly support the system of death penalty.

(参考資料)Death penalty sought again in murder-rape case       
Prosecutors during their closing argument at the Hiroshima High Court on Thursday again sought the death penalty for a 26-year-old former company employee charged with raping and killing a woman and strangling her baby in Hikari, Yamaguchi Prefecture, in 1999.
The murder case in which the former company employee stands accused of strangling 23-year-old Yayoi Motomura with his hands and raping her, and also killing her 11-month-old daughter, Yuka, in their home was returned to the high court by the Supreme Court to review its previous ruling of life imprisonment.
The trial will conclude after the defense counsel's final argument, scheduled on Dec. 4. The ruling is expected next spring.
During the trial, the defendant, whose name is being withheld because he was 18 at the time of the crime, reversed his earlier admission of intending to rape and murder the woman.
However, the prosecution countered by saying, "The defendant is trying to escape the death penalty by distorting the truth."
The prosecution also said: "He has never shown remorse for his actions, but has kept making excuses, which has caused more pain and suffering for the bereaved family. The only fitting punishment for him is the death penalty."
Regarding the assertion that he raped the woman as part of a "resurrection ceremony," the prosecution said the claim was unscientific and unbelievable.
The prosecution also claimed that he has reflected on his actions only superficially and has repeated the irrational explanation, insulting the bereaved family who sincerely hope to learn the truth.
During an hourlong argument by the prosecution, the defendant, who was dressed in a dark blue jacket and beige pants, looked straight at the judge.
The victim's husband, Hiroshi Motomura, 31, sometimes closed his eyes as he listened to the prosecution and held a portrait of his wife and daughter. (Oct. 19, 2007, The Yomiuri Shimbun)

推薦入試の対応もこの時期ならでは。昨年は早稲田国際教養、慶應SFCとAOのエッセイ対策に付き合っていたことを思えば、随分と楽なものである。生徒の持ってきた過去問の中で、<名詞+that節>を取り得るか否かを判断する問題があったので、金子稔先生の『現代英語・語法ノート』(教育出版)から関連する項目を引き写し。解説や判断の根拠などやはり良いことが書いてあるのだが、網羅性は低いので他書で補充。そのうち、水光雅則編著『ランドマーク高校総合英語』(啓林館、絶版)では、pp. 490-491にて、「意味も音も両者を同じ資格で扱うのである。これを同格と呼ぶ」という重要な指摘がなされているので、ここに転記しておく。

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(a) the man who was his father
(b) the fact that he was my father
この下線部(ここでは斜字体)はman, factを修飾している語句であり、man, factが主要語という関係である。また、the man who was his father全体で1つの音調をとる。すなわち、the ↓man who was his ↓ fatherなどのように、manとwho was his fatherのそれぞれに音調があるのではなく、the man who was his ↓ fatherのように全体で1つの音調を取る。

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高1の進学クラスは英語 Iの答案返却。個別課題配布。基本例文をすべての時制に変換し、疑問文、否定文に変換するドリルを作ろうと思ったのだが、睡魔に負けました。普通科は答案返却。1クラスは超低調、もう1クラスは超意欲的。ただ、こういう場合、往々にしてこちらの放つ気に共鳴しているものなのだ、注意が必要。
本日のBGM: Window Seat (Jon Wesley Harding)