Judging from the short speech he has just made, I think he is a very coherent speaker.
(1) careless
(2) clear
(3) dull
(4) passionate
これは空所補充だと何でもありになりますが、coherent を言い換えるものなので、答えは (2)の clear 一つに絞られるでしょうし、その語に置き換えた方が英語としてもより適切・的確だとは思います。でも、「じゃあ、このもともとの問題文ってどうなの?」って感じがしますね。
1. (of ideas, thoughts, arguments, etc.) logical and well organized; easy to understand and clear
2 .(of a person) able to talk and express yourself clearly
1. If something is coherent, it is well planned, so that it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other. 首尾一貫した
2. If someone is coherent, they express their thoughts in a clear and calm way, so that other people can understand what they are saying. 理路整然とした
1.[C2] If an argument, set of ideas, or a plan is coherent, it is clear and carefully considered, and each part of it connects or follows in a natural or reasonable way.
2.[C2] If someone is coherent, you can understand what they say
1. logical and well-organized: easy to understand
2. able to talk or express yourself in a clear way that can be easily understood
以上MW’s Learner’s
1. if a piece of writing, set of ideas etc is coherent, it is easy to understand because it is clear and reasonable
2. if someone is coherent, they are talking in a way that is clear and easy to understand
words, thoughts or ideas that are coherent are arranged in an order that makes them easy to understand
a piece of writing or speech that is coherent is easy to understand because it is clear and well-planned, so that all the parts fit well together
以上Longman Activator Thesaurus
私は英語に関してはnon-native speakerですが、私の語感では、coherentがヒトを表す名詞の限定で使われるのは稀です。
Google のNgram Viewerでざっくりと。
coherent + speech は相当に強い結びつきですが、coherent + speaker は相当に弱い結びつきになります。この結果は、英米に限らずほぼ同じです。
COCA系で類語比較を見てみましょう。 NOWコーパスで、“=coherent speech” での検索。
NOWで “=coherent speaker”
COCAで生息域込みで検索。 “=coherent speech”
COCAで “=coherent speaker” で検索するも、coherentとの結びつきは確認できず。
- Judging from the short speech he has just made, I think he is a very coherent speaker.
の “a very coherent speaker” という使い方に「?」となりませんか?
“coherent” という語が使えるレベルで身についているのかを問いたいのであれば、
- Judging from the short speech he has just made, I think he is very coherent.
- judging from+名詞のチャンク
Judging from [by] A. ≒ To judge from [by] A.
Judging by [from] the look of the sky(↘↗), I'd say it's going to rain.
júdging [OR to júdge] from [OR by] ...
Judging from her clothes, she is not so young.
júdging [to júdge] from [by] …
副 文修飾語 …から判断すると, …から察すると
Judging [To judge] from [by] what you say, you are not happy with your wife.
君の言うことから判断すると, 君は奥さんとはうまくいっていないね.
と、どの辞書も、judgingに続く前置詞にはfromとbyを並記していますが、『ジーニアス』を除いてfromを先に示して、byを( )に入れています。
You use judging by, judging from, or to judge from to introduce the reasons why you believe or think something. 〜から判断すると
Judging by the opinion polls, he seems to be succeeding.
Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.
judging by something
Judging by her last email, they are having a wonderful time.
to judge from something
To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed.
judging by/from (ALSO to judge by/from)
[B2] used to express the reasons why you have a particular opinion:
Judging by what he said, I think it’s very unlikely that he’ll be able to support your application.
judging by/from something
used to say that you are making a guess based on what you have just seen, heard, or learned:
Judging by his jovial manner, he must have enjoyed his meal.
Judging from what you say in your letter, you don’t sound well.
MW’s の学習者用は、特に成句としては扱わずに、
Judging from this schedule, we have a busy week ahead. [= this schedule indicates that we have a busy week ahead]
Judging by its smell, I’d say the milk is spoiled. = To judge from its smell, I’d say the milk is spoiled.
・前置詞 byとfromでの頻度の差
田中茂範 『データに見る現代英語表現・構文の使い方』(アルク、1990年)では、judging from のみが取り上げられていたので、「表現自体や堅い響きがある」「続く表現については、情報源となる名詞句がふつうだが、what I’ve seen, what’s written, what’s been said のような名詞節も5例見られた」程度の知見しか得られていませんでした。
前回のエントリーでも引いた、林&鷹家『詳説レクシス プラネットボード』(旺文社、2004年)では、
Q. 次の(a)(b)の表現を使いますか。
(a) Judging from the look of the sky, it’s going to rain this afternoon.
(b) Judging by the look of the sky, it’s going to rain this afternoon.
もっとも、2000年代前半にこの問いが設定された背景には、当時の日本の学習参考書の多くが、所謂「独立分詞構文」の項目で、judging fromしか取り上げていなかったことがあるようです。
Judging from the sky, it is ( ) to rain soon.
1.alike 2.likely 3.seemed 4.Seeming
ここでは、<from + the + 名詞>です。
Judging from the ( ) she speaks, I'm sure she is a native of Hakata.
1. way 2. how 3. how to 4. what 5. accent
空所の直後には代名詞の主格が続いているので、錯乱肢として入れているhow to には全く効き目がない、作問センスの欠片も感じられないものですが、ここでは、<from + the way SV>の知識を問うています。
A: If you go out today, don't forget to take an umbrella with you.
B: Why? Judging from the ( ) the sky looks, I don't think it'll rain.
1. way 2. fact 3. atmosphere 4. appearance
ここでも<from + the way SV>の知識が問われています。
(1)Judging by the (2)incoherence of Margret’s speech, her mind (3)must be very (4)confusing.
ここでは、分詞形容詞が -ing形か -ed/en形の部分を訂正することが求められていて、今回問題にしている表現では、<by + the +名詞句>と前置詞byが適切な表現である知識が求められています。
Among the many problems (1)facing our modern civilization, the fate of the aged is certainly one of (2)those foremost in the public mind, (3)judging by the number of articles on this subject (4)on magazines and newspapers.
これも、瑣末ではありますが、(X) on magazines and newspapersの前置詞onをinに訂正すべきもので、judgingに関してはいじらない。
<by + the + 名詞句>が続くことを知っていればOK。
Judging from the way she looked, I should say she was fair rich.
<from + the way SV>が続くことを知っているかどうか、です。
(a)Judging from what she (b)has achieved (c)so far, she is (d)cleverer than wise.
これもjudgingはいじらない。同一物でのより適切・的確な形容を表す場合には、比較級を持つ形容詞でも more + 原級で表し、more clever than wise (wise というよりはcleverという感じ) に訂正する。
ここでは、<from + what SV>でwhatの名詞節のチャンクが続くという知識が問われている。
- judging by と前置詞byが使われている
- the way SVや what SV の名詞節が使われている
- by the way SV
- by what SV
読解の素材文では、某女子大で使われていたものに、judging by what SVがありました。
It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing-organs in the sides of the abdomen. Your daughter Vanessa, judging by what she's learnt this term, has no hearing-organs at all.
- It is a curious truth that grasshoppers have their hearing-organs in the sides of the abdomen. Judging by what your daughter Vanessa has learnt this term, this fact alone is more interesting than anything I have taught in the classroom.
ということで、現代英語でのjudging by/what界隈をオンラインコーパス等で検索した結果をひたすら貼りますので、生息域、使用実態に思いを馳せて見て下さい。
COCA系で<judging + 前置詞 + the + 名詞>
GLOWBE で上位20
NOW で上位20
TV で上位20
ベンチマークとなるCOCAで the way SV。 27:16 でbyが優勢。
COCA でwhat SV。単純なヒット数は、こちらの方がthe wayよりも多い。
the wayとは異なり、by/from でほぼ同じ。
GLOWBEでthe way SV。 58:31で、byがかなり優勢。
GLOWBEでwhat SV。こちらも、単純なヒット数は、the wayよりも多い。
98:77 で若干 byが優勢に見える。
TVでthe way SV。byがかなり優勢という印象。
TVで what SV。ここでは、the way とは異なり byとfromで半々くらいの印象。
NOWで the way SV。312:85でby優勢。
NOWでwhat SV。ヒット数はthe wayの倍。 509 : 355 でややbyが優勢。
Google BooksのNgram Viewerで名詞句と名詞節で比較。
judging by the way の独走で、残りはどんぐり状態。from what/by what はほぼ同じ。from the wayとby howとby the lookでほぼ同じ。
米。by the way独走は同じ。傾向としてはfromが2010年代から下降気味。
英。judging by the wayはここでも独走。by the look粘り強し。fromの下降傾向はここでも。
- judging by the way SV
- judging by what SV
Judging by the way he spoke, he didn't do well in his exam.
Judging from [by] what she said, everything is going well.
Judging [To judge] from [by] what you say, you are not happy with your wife.
君の言うことから判断すると, 君は奥さんとはうまくいっていないね.
くらいしか収録されていません。しかもfromが先でbyは( )づき。
特に、whatの名詞チャンクが続くものは、what (has) happenedなど、SVではなく、Vがすぐ来るものもありますから、理解と表現の両面で、有益度はかなり高まると思われます。
What if there is no real exit from easy money for the rest of our professional lives? Judging by what's happening in Australia, that's no longer a rhetorical question, writes @Moss_Eco
本日のBGM: What’s wrong with the world? (Fairground Attraction)