

  • I agree with the current law because of ※ 1. the positive effect it has on elections in this country. In other countries, people have the right to vote when they are eighteen. However, ※ 2. Japanese people are not yet mature enough to do this. If they became adults at the age of 18, they ※ 3. might vote for politicians not because they agree with their policies, but simply because they were famous or good-looking. This would do lot of damage to our society in the long term. (85 words)
  • ※ 1. the positive effect があるから、といっているのに、いつまで経っても、どんなプラスの効果があるのか説明されない、羊頭狗肉型の典型。
  • ※ 2."are not yet mature"で事実として述べているが、なぜ、他国の18歳に比べて、日本の18歳は未熟なのかの説明責任を放棄している。
  • ※ 3.弱い。しつこいようだが、might = might notなのである。
  • In my opinion, the age of majority should be reduced to 18. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, ※1. many people get jobs when they turn 18 and pay tax. It is ※2. not fair if they are not allowed to decide how this tax is spent by the government. Secondly, ※3. many people get married at this age, and some even have children. It doesn’t make sense if citizens are allowed to behave like adults in some ways but not in others. (82 words)
  • ※第一例よりは、英語らしい文。
  • ※ 1. manyとはどのくらいの人をいうのか?evidenceが必要。
  • ※ 2. 所得税納税とのトレードオフ、という論理では、「専業主婦」には選挙権が与えられないことになる。
  • ※ 3. これは結婚が可能な年齢であって、どのくらいの割合がこの年齢で結婚しているかを示さなければ何の説得力も持たない。また、女性は16歳で結婚が可能であることには言及がない。
  • I think the age of majority should be increased to 22. Even at the age of 20, ※1. many young people in Japan are still very childish. Instead of working hard or studying, ※2. they do part-time jobs to pay for such trifles as mobile phones and fashionable clothes. Many of them live with their parents because it is cheaper than renting their own apartment and paying their own bills. Citizens cannot be considered adults ※3. unless they behave responsibly and can stand on their own two feet. (85 words)
  • ※ 1. manyの具体化。childishという主観的形容の説明責任。
  • ※ 2. その前で、充分定義・支持されていないmany young peopleをそのまま、theyで引っ張ってきている。根拠の薄い主題を無理矢理論理づけるときにありがちな手法。読解の際にも気をつけるべし。
  • ※ 3. unlessは唯一の除外条件だから、焦点が置かれる。Responsibly という副詞が主観的。さらに何に対してのresponsibilityかが示されていない。


  • I agree that people should be considered adults from the age of 18. At the moment, the laws in Japan concerning adulthood are illogical and unfair. Take voting, for example. Japanese 18-year-olds who do full-time jobs are forced to pay income tax as adults are, and yet they are not allowed to vote in elections. They are not allowed to express their opinions, by electing politicians, about how this tax is used. Another examples is the law on alcohol. It is illegal for anyone under 20 to buy alcohol in Japan, even though it is legal to marry and have children at that age. Again, this does not make sense. Treating 18-year-olds as children is bad for our society because it causes them to mistrust the law and prevents them from taking full responsibility for their lives. (138 words)
  • ※18歳が成熟した市民である、という肯定的な理由付けがないまま、なし崩し的に本論らしきものへと入ってしまうまずいパターン。飲酒と結婚の例を持ち出すのは簡単だが、「じゃあ、結婚も20歳からにした方が良いじゃないか」という反論を招くことを忘れている。adult(hood) の定義を考えないからこういうことになるとも言える。


  • The age of adulthood in Japan should be 18, as in many other countries. Do you want to talk about this topic biologically, economically, or developmentally? At the age of 18, men and women are largely mature enough to reproduce, so they are biologically adult. However, many are not economically adult, because nearly half of high school students go on to college but they depend financially on their parents. How about developmentally? We are living in a society where we have to stay in school longer, marry later and delay having children if we want to have a better life. The focus of education is changing from law school first, followed by two-year-long training if you have successfully passed the bar exam. Then your adult life will start at 26 or later. So we can’t decide easily on when our adult life really starts. (150 words)

  • ※これは最悪。主題の提示、その理由付け、論旨の一貫性などが全くない。結論と序論での主張とが全く一致していないことは高校1年生でもわかるはず。印象が悪いのが、定義付けを疑問の形で提示しているところ。ここが挑発的な印象を与えるにもかかわらず、結論がお粗末ときているので、余計に評価が下がる。私のクラスでこの答案が出て来たら、せいぜい、Bどまり。小論文でも同様のことが言えるが、出題の論点をずらすのはよほどの力量を備えていない限り避けるべし。


I agree with the view that the age of adulthood in Japan is reasonable.
My primary reason is that non-adults such as 18-year-old people are very unstable to be an adult. Most 18-year-old people in Japan have been taken care of by schools and their parents and have not been independent economically. In some other countries, the age of adulthood is 18, but it is because people work or start working when they are 18.
Some people might believe that therefore the age of adulthood should be raised. But raising the age of adulthood would make it slower for young people to realize they need to be independent.
From those reasons above, I state again that the age of adulthood in Japan should be 20 as it is now. (129 words)

今日は高3の生徒から、AO入試の合格報告を受ける。おめでとう。お役に立ててなにより。志望動機を聞いた際の夢がspecialなだけに、これからの方が大変だと思うが、positive thinkingで夢を実現させて欲しい。

  • だからこの事件も、極端なことをいえば、当事者だけが、取り扱い当事者だけで解決すべきであった。一般論にすりかえたことにより、むしろ見えなくなったものが多いと思います。(p. 218)


  • 関係が遠くなって、範囲が広がれば広がるほど、「だれが」の部分と「どんなふうに」の部分が消えてしまって、「何を」だけになっていく。「何を」だけを解読しようとして、あらゆる人間関係もまた情報化されてしまいかねない。そうでなくて、「だれが、どんなふうに」の部分をもっと拡大できるような、「だれが、どんなふうに」という部分だけが重要になるような、人間がそれぞれコミュニケートし合うにはその部分だけが大事なのだということが感じとられるような状況が、まずつくられなければならないだろうという感じがする。(p. 219)

夜は7時から、某社編集企画会議が入っていたので、お茶の水まで出て、Disk UnionでCD物色。スクイーズのDifford & Tilbrookが1984年に出したアルバムがCD化されていたので入手。
本日のBGM: When love goes to sleep (Billy Bremner)