6月6日 木曜日 雨は降ってません




  • It seemed as if 界隈

as if +句や節という表現自体は日常もそれなりの頻度で、教材やテストでも頻出ですが、

  • It seemed as if SV.

私自身が高校生の頃、It seems as if SV. への注意喚起はありましたが、過去形のIt seemed that SV…は気にしていませんでした。

It seems as if …「まるで…のようだ」の構文に注意。
It seems as if it would snow. (まるで雪でも降りそうだ)
西尾 孝 『実戦英単語活用事典』(日本英語教育協会、1981年)


  • It seemed as if he had a car accident last night.


  • 昨夜、彼は交通事故に遭ったようだった。


  • It seemed as if he had had a car accident last night.

as if の節中で過去完了形が使われていますが、こちらに変えても、

  • 昨夜、彼は交通事故に遭ったようだった。



1. It seemed as if he had had a car accident last night.
2. It seemed as if he had a car accident last night.


The first sentence, "It seemed as if he had had a car accident last night," is grammatically correct and more natural-sounding. The construction "had had" is the past perfect tense, indicating that the car accident occurred before a certain point in the past (last night) .
The second sentence, "It seemed as if he had a car accident last night," is also grammatically acceptable, but it may imply a slightly different meaning. The simple past tense "had" suggests that the car accident took place at some unspecified point in the past, whereas the past perfect "had had" specifically places the accident before the point of reference (last night).

同じことを Copilot (Bingに搭載のもの)にも訊いてみました。

Both are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings:
1. “It seemed as if he had had a car accident last night.”
In this sentence, we use the past perfect tense (“had had”) after “as if.” It suggests that the speaker is describing a hypothetical situation or an assumption about the past. It implies that the person might not have actually had a car accident, but it appeared that way.
Example: Imagine someone saw a damaged car and said, “It seemed as if he had had a car accident last night,” even though they didn’t witness the accident directly.

2. “It seemed as if he had a car accident last night.”
In this sentence, we use the simple past tense (“had”) after “as if.” It still conveys a similar meaning, but it doesn’t emphasize the hypothetical aspect as strongly.
Example: Someone saw a person with minor injuries and said, “It seemed as if he had a car accident last night.”
Both sentences are valid, but the first one adds more nuance by emphasizing the hypothetical nature of the situation. Choose the one that best fits the context you want to convey!



このウィズダムの記述は、辞書では最も丁寧な解説だとは思うのですが、主節が過去形の時に、as if 以下の時制がなぜ過去形のままでも聞き手・読み手は理解に支障を来さないのか、今一つ実感が掴めない様にも思います。

私が読んだものの中で、一番詳しいのは、柏野本(柏野健次 『英語語法詳解 英語語法学の確立へ向けて』 三省堂、2012年)で、

  • as if 節の表す5つの意味 (pp. 158-167)



この類型を使いこなせれば御の字だとは思うのですが、It seemed に続く例は扱われていませんでした。


  • 小松原 哲太 (2022年) 比喩の虚構性の諸相-英語の従属接続詞 as if の修辞的用法

というBNCのas if の用例500例を精査したものがありました。

  • Huddleston, Rodney D., and Geoffrey K. Pullum. 2002. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

が引かれ、用例で、It seemed as if も関連表現との比較で取り上げられ、考察されていましたが、参考文献には、柏野のかの字もありませんでした。

みんな大好き(主語がでかい!)「安藤講義」(安藤貞雄『現代英文法講義』開拓社、2005年)だと、p.613のNB1で次のように注記を加えていますが、やはり It seemed に続く例は見られず。

as if/as though 節では、節中の事態が「状態」を表しているならば過去形、「完了相」を表しているならば過去完了形が用いられる。また、叙想法の常として、主節の動詞の時制の影響を受けないので、意味に応じて、次のような時制との組み合わせが見られる。
(i) He speaks / spoke / will speak as if he were a king. [状態]
(ii) He talks / talked / will talk as if he had been abroad. [完了相]

一方、安井稔・安井泉 『英文法総覧』(大改訂新版、開拓社、2022年)では、第24章 仮定法の項目の、p.457の注意で、以下のような説明をしているだけ。

He spoke as if he were ashamed.


辞書の用例から、it seemed と過去形の主節に続くas if に過去完了が使われているものを抜粋。

It seemed as if she’d been gone forever.
まるで彼女が永遠に去っていったように思えた. (COBUILD米語英英和)

At the castle ruins, which were engulfed in silence, it seemed as if time had stopped. (O-LEX和英)



It seemed as if the police had thrown in the towel and were abandoning the investigation.

物主語での例。(itは the house)

The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.





He looked as if he had been waiting for some time.
彼はしばらく待っていたようだ (Wisdom英和)  ※この例では、完了ではなく継続を表している。

The house was a mess. It looked as if a bomb had dropped on it.
家は散らかり放題だった. まるで爆弾でも落ちたかのように見えた. (G6) ※過去の時点までの完了

She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise.
彼女はその写真家に不意を突かれたように見えた.    ※完了

It looked as if she had forgotten how to breathe.
彼女は呼吸の仕方を忘れてしまっているかのようだった.  ※完了

They looked as if they hadn’t washed in days.
彼らは何日も体をお風呂に入っていないように見えた.  ※否定による、「…でない状態」の継続


She looked as if she had been ill for quite a while. (O-LEX和英) ※過去の時点までの継続

He looked (as) pale as if he had seen a ghost. (Wisdom和英) ※過去の時点以前の経験/完了

He looked as if he had seen a ghost (= looked very frightened) (OALD)




as if S had seen a ghostの例に絞ると、ほぼほぼ小説かTV/映画。




1. The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she had seen a ghost.
2. The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she saw a ghost.

で違いがあるのかどうか?ここでは、接続詞扱いのthe momentで時間差が極めて少ないことが、どのように解釈の違いに影響するか興味深いところです。


1. "The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she had seen a ghost."
In this sentence, we use the "past perfect tense" ("had seen") after "as if." It suggests that the speaker is describing a hypothetical situation or an assumption about the past. It implies that the person might not have actually seen a ghost, but it appeared that way.

  • Example: Imagine someone saw a terrified expression on her face and said, "It seemed as if she had seen a ghost," even though they didn't witness the ghost directly.

2. "The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she saw a ghost."
In this sentence, we use the "simple past tense" ("saw") after "as if." It still conveys a similar meaning, but it doesn't emphasize the hypothetical aspect as strongly.

  • Example: Someone saw her reaction and said, "It seemed as if she saw a ghost."

Both sentences are valid, but the first one adds more nuance by emphasizing the hypothetical nature of the situation. Choose the one that best fits the context you want to convey! 😊


The first sentence, "The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she had seen a ghost," is more common and grammatically correct in standard English usage. The clause "as if she had seen a ghost" is in the past perfect tense, indicating a hypothetical event (seeing a ghost) that precedes the main action (turning pale).
The second sentence, "The moment she saw me, she turned pale as if she saw a ghost," is less common and may be considered grammatically incorrect by some, as the verb "saw" does not properly align with the past tense context of the main clause.


大学入試の読解系の素材文で、 "it seemed as if SV" がどのように使われているか、目に付いたものを適当に示していきます。

Roosevelt’s insistence that he had no great gifts is contradicted not only by his remarkable power of imagination but also by his prodigious memory. In conversations about books that he had read years before, the pages would appear before him, as if he were able to read them anew with his mind’s eye. It seemed as if he could “remember everything he read,” a friend marveled; he had only to read something once and it was his to retrieve forever, allowing him to summon not only whole passages but the feelings evoked in him when he first encountered them.

2020年の某KOでの出題文。(出典は、Doris Kearns Goodwin (2018) Leadership in Turbulent Times からなんですが、何故か書名をはっきりとは書いていないんですよね。) 政治家の評伝を多く書いている人で、”It seemed as if …” はこの人の良く使うフレーズではあるようです。ここでは、助動詞could + 原形で「その当時の能力・資質」。

It is difficult to foretell the fate of AI, since it has gone through three cycles of ups and downs. Back in the 1950s, it seemed as if mechanical maids and butlers were just around the corner. Machines were being built that could play checkers and solve algebra problems. Robot arms were developed that could recognize and pick up blocks.

これは2019年の某Q大後期の素材文。出典は、Michio Kaku (2014) The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mindから。as if 以下は過去形ですね。

He would forget having seen people enter or leaving the room, meaning it seemed as if they had magically appeared or disappeared in front of him. “I could just remember people appearing in my field of vision and then disappearing,” he says.



ここでは、as if に過去完了形が続いています。

as if ではなく、that節が続く It seemed that SVのパターンは、不定詞との書き換えなど、日本の教材・テストでは頻出ですね。

She seemed to have been ill since the previous week. (=It seemed that she had been ill since the previous week.)
彼女はその前の週から病気だったようだ(◆ to have been ... は seem が表す時より前からその状態であったことを表す) (O-LEX英和)

COCAを見る限りでは、It seemed that SVでthat節中に過去完了形が使われるものの半分以上が小説で、全体でもそれほど頻度は高くないように思います。

現代英語の実態に迫るべく、実例や検索結果を見てきましたが、冒頭で示した用例のように、as if節内の動詞の形合わせを求める文法語法の出題って、いったいどんな英語力を診ようとしているのでしょうか?



本日のBGM: A sigh of ghost (2024年リマスター)/高橋幸宏
