- GWTを新しくして、もう一段階上のnarrative writingをさせたいね。
という話しで盛り上がりました。ライティングのテクストタイプでこういう議論が出来る人が周りにあまりいないので嬉しいものですね。GWT (= GTEC Writing Training; ベネッセコーポレーション) は、もともとGTECのライティングパート対策とか、大学入試の自由英作文対策の為に作ったものではなく、私がこれまでの自分の実践の中で、授業で、作ってきたライティングの「シラバス」を、短期間に圧縮した通信教材でしたので、テクストタイプ別に章を分けて、
- narrative
- descriptive / expository
- persuasive / argumentative
- story grammar の6観点
- cubing
- topic flowersからtopic ladder、そしてSPRE/R
GWTの教材化にあたっては、「なぜ、入試での出題頻度も少なく、GTEC の課題でも出題されないnarrativeな課題を書かせるのか?」という編集者側からの問いが当然のようにありました。そして、その問いに対しての私の回答は、当初あまり理解されませんでした。
- いや、ナラティブが習得、習熟に一番時間がかかるんですよ。
新課程でも、ディスカッションやディベートなどが取り上げられています。意見の分かれる論題でのargumentative な英語の文章を書くのが一番難しくて、高級な課題というイメージを持っている高校生、高校教師は多いように思うのです。
Father got annoyed at us when we didn’t stay well. He usually stayed himself and he expected us to be like him, and not faint and slump on his hands and thus add to his burdens.
He was fearless about disease. He despised it. All this talk about germs, he said, was merely newfangled nonsense. He said that when he was a boy there had been no germs that he knew of. Perhaps invisible insects existed, but what of it? He was as healthy as they were. “If any damned germs want to have a try at me,” he said, “bring ‘em on.”
From Father’s point of view, Mother didn’t know how to handle an ailment. He admired her most of time and thought there was nobody like her; he often said to us boys, “Your mother is a wonderful woman;” but he always seemed to disapprove of her when she was ill.
Mother went to bed, for instance, at such times. Yet she didn’t make noises. Father heard a little gasping moan sometimes, but she didn’t want him to hear even that. Consequently he was sure she wasn’t suffering. There was nothing to indicate it, he said.
The worse she felt, the less she ever said about it, and the harder it was for him to believe that there was anything really wrong with her. (“Father Is Firm With His Ailments,” by Clarence Day, 1935)
Let me change the mood with a few sweet words that will, I hope, serve as well as music. As you know, the question we writers are asked most often, the favourite question, is: why do you write? I write because I have an innate need to write! I write because I can’t do normal work like other people. I write because I want to read books like the ones I write. I write because I am angry at all of you, angry at everyone. I write because I love sitting in a room all day writing. I write because I can only partake in real life by changing it. I write because I want others, all of us, the whole world, to know what sort of life we lived, and continue to live in Istanbul, in Turkey. I write because I love the smell of paper, pen, and ink. I write because I believe in literature, in the art of the novel, more than I believe in anything else. I write because it is a habit, a passion. I write because I am afraid of being forgotten. I write because I like the glory and interest that writing brings. I write to be alone. Perhaps I write because I hope to understand why I am so very, very angry at all of you, so very, very angry at everyone. I write because I like to be read. I write because once I have begun a novel, an essay, a page, I want to finish it. I write because everyone expects me to write. I write because I have a childish belief in the immortality of libraries, and in the way my books sit on the shelf. I write because it is exciting to turn all of life’s beauties and riches into words. I write not to tell a story, but to compose a story. I write because I wish to escape from the foreboding that there is a place I must go but – just as in a dream – I can’t quite get there. I write because I have never managed to be happy. I write to be happy. (Orhan Pamuk. 2006. My Father’s Suitcase, The Nobel Lecture, Privately printed for Faber and Faber, pp. 21-22)
- トピックセンテンスは段落の最初、または最後、そこを繋いでいけば、筆者の主張は速読できるから、その部分をまとめる時に、論理の型に合わせて「つなぎ語」を補うこと。
- Jean Quigley. (2000). The Grammar of Autobiography: A Developmental Account, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, London
この本の刊行当時に、University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons (7-1-2001) からダウンロードしたStanton Worthamの「書評」 (Language in Society, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2001, pages 490-498) も併せて読んでいるところです。
- 「歌」を扱うだけでは、表現や論理が…。
- 詩人やSinger Songwriterへのインタビュー
- セルフライナーノート
- 詩人が影響を受けた詩人へのリスペクトを語る
- ミュージシャンが、カバーバージョンについて語る
My mother, a working-class woman of Mexican descent, never went beyond high school, but like millions of ordinary Americans half a century ago, she loved poetry. My mother especially liked reading it aloud or reciting it from memory. She knew a surprising number of famous poems by heart as well as a remarkable selection of obscurities. Her taste ran mostly to those anthology favorites that publishers and editors back then still credibly termed as “beloved.” Inspired by some turn of events, however trivial, in the day’s business, she would recite a passage or poem from Poe, Whittier, Longfellow, Kipling, Service, Byron, or Shakespeare. I loved her impromptu recitations, and I have often looked back on those occasions with both personal affection and a certain scholarly curiosity about how poetry once reached an enormous nonliterary audience.
There was only one living poet in my mother’s repertory---Ogden Nash. When she swatted some fly in the kitchen, she would intone with mock solemnity:
- God in his wisdom made the fly
- And then forgot to tell us why.
The appearance of either chocolate or alcohol would often elicit the remark that:
- Candy
- is dandy
- But liquor
- is quicker.
- Douglas M. Parker. 2005. Ogden Nash: The life and work of America’s laureate of light verse, Ivan R. Dee
に、Dana Gioia が寄せた序文。
Hideyo Noguchi was born at Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture in 1876. When he was two years old, he burned his left hand at the fireplace in his house. So he could not grasp things with that hand.
His father was a farmer, but did not work hard. His mother loved Hideyo so much that she worked for him from early morning till late at night.
When he was a primary school boy, he was made a fool of by his classmates because of his burnt hand. In spite of that, he studied very hard and soon got to the head of his class.
When he was thirteen, he had an operation for his left hand, and the operation was a great success. After that he made up his mind to be a doctor. At the age of seventeen Hideyo became a doctor’s boy at a hospital in Aizuwakamatsu and helped the doctor in the daytime and then studied English, Chinese, German and French till midnight.
In 1896, when he was twenty, he went up to Tokyo and studied medicine. the next year he received his MD (= Doctor of Medicine).
In 1899, Dr. Simon Flexner came to Japan from America. Dr. Noguchi served him as guide and told him that he would like to go to America for the purpose of studying medicine. In 1900 he went over to America and devoted himself to the study of snake venoms under Flexner’s direction.
In 1904 he moved to New York and began to work at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. He went on with his study there for about twenty-four years and made many important discoveries. The name of Dr. Noguchi became known all over the world.
In 1918 he studied yellow fever in South America. In 1927 he went to Africa to study African yellow fever, but he himself soon fell a victim to the disease and died there the next year. He was buried in New York. (藤安雄 『自由英作文の書き方』 竹村出版、1973年、pp. 87-89)
Though Lafcadio Hearn always considered his main vocation to be that of a writer, by all counts he was also a most conscientious and inspiring teacher. At Matsue Middle School (1890-91), his first official teaching job, Hearn taught a variety of English language classes, and among them was English Composition, which he taught to 4th and 5th year students. These classes were especially interesting to him in that his students’ writing gave him valuable first-hand information about Japanese culture and even more valuable insight into their young Japanese minds and hearts. Every week, or nearly so, he assigned his boys a fresh topic to contemplate and write about in English, and every week he diligently read and corrected their efforts. The errors he corrected were mostly in grammar, spelling, and mechanics, rectified with a cross-out and a word or two written above the lines, but sometimes he gave detailed explanation or made suggestions for modifying content. (p. 6)
- 『ラフカディオ・ハーンの英作文教育』 (弦書房、2011年)
- ハロルド・プライス 『英作文の盲点』 (金星堂、1964年)
During the past few years, I have corrected literally thousands of compositions, and have seen that only very few Japanese have mastered English well enough to write even one short paragraph correctly. The mistakes I found most commonly made are those I would like to point out in this small book. Besides, I have included some examples in answer to the questions most frequently asked in the classroom.
The purpose of this booklet is certainly not to encourage the student to write in a more literary style, but simply to try helping him learn to express himself more naturally and more understandably; and understandability is an ideal difficult for a Japanese to attain, even in the simplest types of English composition. (“Preface” by Harold Price)
‘It is not possible to think of anyone in the educational world today who so fully deserves some token of our general esteem’, wrote Herbert Read in the editorial of 1947 Issue of Athene, the Journal of the Society for Education in Art, dedicated to Marion Elaine Richardson. Her life’s work was in the fields of both child art education and handwriting. In the teaching of art she is remembered for the stimulating of children’s imagination and releasing their natural creativity through her innovative techniques of mind and word picturing. In the teaching of handwriting she eventually broke away from long accepted methods to realize the value of pattern and base her method and letter forms on what she had observed to be the natural movement of young children’s hands. (p. 7)
- Marion Richardson: Her life and her contribution to handwriting, Intellect, 2011
のオープニングのパラグラフです。この本を書いているのは、Rosemary Sassoon。この後も彼女の敬意と愛情に溢れたことばが紡がれていきます。
サンデル教授が持て囃され、TED Talksが流行になってしまった今の日本では、なかなか難しいことだと思うのですが、「効果的なプレゼン技術を身につけろ!」、「argumentativeなディスコースの約束事をマスターするのだ!」、と声高に叫ぶところから少し間を取って離れて見ると、クオリティの高い「文章」はこんなところに口を開けていることにも気がつきます。
In the act of writing a poem you’re working to satisfy a lot of deep things, you want your ideas and feelings to come out but in a way that’s memorable and pleasurable to you, so all your feelers are out, musical and otherwise, as ideas leap across and link in a process that’s intuitive. Your inner ear is attuned to the underlying rhythm and the actual sounds of words and in a way you’re like a musical composer also, creating almost unconsciously your own harmony.
A poem lives with the life you put into it and the “success” of a poem at times has more to do with the degree of energy, passion or fascination you bring to it rather than formal poetic rules. (W.N. Herbert & Matthew Hollis. 2000. Strong Words; Modern poets on modern poetry, Bloodaxe Books, p. 211)
これは詩人のGrace Nicholsが書いた,‘The poetry I feel closest to’ (2000) の引用です。説明文、論証文をいくら沢山読んでも、「偉人について」「作家について」などの「ついて」作文の文章だけ読んでいては、そのことばの「声」は響いてこないでしょう。書く人の顔が見える文章といかに出会わせるか、教師のお膳立てはそんなところにこそあるのだと思っています。
- 同級生かい?
- クラスは一緒になったことないけど、同期です。よろしくお伝え下さい。
本日のBGM: おくりびと (ホンヤミカコ)