open コメント集

The Song of The Month コメント集
Artist: Mike Scott
Title: Open

When I didn’t know the missing words, the song didn’t make sense to me. Now that I know the meaning of the words, however, I think the song is positive./ I feel this song as a whole means “blessing”, and this song kind of reminds me of the church I used to go when I was in America./ open toの後に入る語は簡素だけど、文脈から考えると、深い意味が込められていると思った。Adventureとriskのつながりみたいに単語と単語でたくさん結びつきがあると思った/この歌は単調な歌詞だけれど、その中に深い意味が込められている。一つの単語の中にも色々な意味がある。At first I couldn’t understand the meanings of this song or I couldn’t connect each word to one message, but now I can find the cycle of the theme in this song.抽象的なところが多いけれど、それがまた試聴者に自由な発想を許していて奥が深いと思った/様々な言葉を使っていろいろ言っているけれど言いたいことは一つみたいな感じ。言葉が廻っているような歌/The singer is trying to change all the things around him./ この詩を書いた人の言葉選びへのこだわりを知って感動しました/First, I thought that the song sings about the power of life. Now , I feel that the song is about expressing of Mother Earth. / パラフレーズをしたら一見バラバラに見えた単語がぜんぶつながって見えた/Every word in this song is accurate./ This song is clear. I must take care of abstract words./ 今まで聴いてきた歌の歌詞とは違って、詩のようなので、淡々としているように見えるけど、それが逆に心の奥まで訴えて来る感じがした。もっと堅い歌詞や内容だと思っていたけれど、優しい歌なんだと思った。詩の形式を取っているのが素朴な感じがした/穴埋め単語の言い換えをやってみて、1つの単語にいくつもの意味があることがわかった。前向きな歌/being blessedのところが分かりづらかった。でもここが大事だな、と思った。前向きな歌だけど奥が深い。対比が多かった/I thought this is only a positive song. However, I found that words are linked to each other. / I understood this song’s lyrics didn’t have ending and go on cycling. And I found the word “open” has many meanings./ I think the lyrics has a lot of nouns, and each noun has a deep meaning. 聴いているとたくさんの想像ができる曲だと思った。聴いた人それぞれの感じ方が違うと思った/風向きが変わる、潮目が変わるといった歌詞は上手いと思った。自分の回りと内面を比較している。言葉同士がつながっている/I realized that this song is for a servant of God. Beautiful words and calm melody go well with the theme of the song, and make it all the more impressive./ Don’t be afraid to know new things. …?/ 自分自身を外に出していこうと歌っている?まだよくわかんない/I now feel that every word in this song is connected with each other. To me, this song now gives the impression of tender love./ 人生について語っているものだと思う。風向きが変わる気配などを察知し、行動しなければならないと思った。また好ましい奇跡も生かしていかなければならないと思う/この歌は多くの対比を用いているから、マイナスの言葉もあるが、結局はプラスのイメージ、明るい未来とかを訴えているとわかった。愛とか暖かいイメージが強い。The song has lots of possibilities./ 奥の深い歌だなと思いました。でも、どういうことを言っているのかよく分かりませんでした/Unlike what I had expected, the lyrics are bright and positive. The song will encourage me when I am in trouble./ My impression is that the song has some contrasts. The writer speaks his mind in the abstract words./ Now I feel that the song has more to do with the wonders of the world, like certain people’s beauty or the risks in life. However, the ambiguity remains since I’m not exactly sure who sings the song to whom./
I found something that moves me./ 多くのことに恐れず立ち向かうことが大切だと思った。風向きが変わってもくじけない強さを持つことが必要だと思う。We should face many difficulties instead of fearing them./ 世の中にあるもの(物、目に見えないものも含め)全てを見て、感じて生きるとか、もしくはそういう気持ちを持って生きることをすすめているのかもしれない/miraclesが複数形で、絵が描けるほどたくさんの奇跡があると知り意味が深いと思った/This song is very simple, but the message of it is very heartfelt The writer wants to say “change yourself”./
It was very hard to paraphrase each word in the blank, but it helped me to understand what the poet tried to say./ I found a few words of simile. The song tells us that you have to open your mind and challenge a lot of things./ I didn’t realize that the song has pious meanings./ I came up with the feeling that this songwriter seems to be Christian, especially, “open beloved to you” shows the writer’s opinion well./ This song was very hard to understand. Every word has a special meaning, so I still don’t get what this song really wants to say./
I feel the author wants to change the people think into some positive way./ I noticed “the world” contrast with “the world within”. I think many comparisons are used in this song./ I found that one word can mean a variety of things./ If I take the message of the song, I may learn to be a strong person./ I felt the massage that lies in the bottom of the lyrics./ 対比がよく使われていると思った。また、空所の単語の類義語を調べてみると、他の部分で使われている単語と意味が似ていたり一緒だったりするので、これからも類義語を調べてみようと思った/I felt this song is about life. I don’t understand what “open” means./ I noticed that this song uses many metaphors./ I thought that there are some contrasts in this song and I found there are some words with negative meanings in this song./ I can feel these words are connected to each other. I feel that songs can carry many different messages to different listeners. / This song has some religious message. There are contrasts from outside with inside, from good things with bad, and from visible things and the invisible. I feel tempted to this song./ I think that the singer wants to open himself into the new. / This song gives me a new viewpoint./ Now I can be positive. “Challenge” is the main word of the song. / Finally I found that the song encourages positive thinking./ I didn’t notice that this song carries a religious message. I think the author wants to say, “We have the flexibility to feel for everything in the world.”/ You need to “open to beauty” in order to “open Beloved to you.” Every word has some kind of connection in this song./ Everything starts when we open the door of our mind./ The words in the song are very simple but meanings are very complex./ Now I learn positive thinking from this song./ I see some religious message of this song, but I can’t still see what the song is all about. I have yet to know the essence of the song. / Now I can get the song more concrete, clear and exact. /外と中の対比や、段落ごとに内容が工夫されていてとても面白いと思いました。全てopenで始めてもこんなに内容が深くなるからすごいし、一つ一つの文は短いけどしっかり言葉一つ一つに意味が込められている/Although I still can’t see clearly what the song wants to say, I think it may tell you to open your heart, open your arms to change. It may also mean to be honest with your feelings./ We have to change our way of thinking and do something new to go higher.

Open is a pretty little spiritual meditation. A mantra to be open to all the wonder and magic that is around and that we can easily miss in the midst of our striving and mad busyness. The last line "open Beloved to you" is really encompassing.

All the promise of Mike Scott's former band, the Waterboys, is realized on his second solo release. With an open heart and an electric guitar, Scott creates his most personal and impassioned album to date. A disc that displays a complete lack of irony, Still Burning paints him as a natural mystic and spiritual seeker who worships rock & roll. Like fellow traveler Bob Dylan, Scott lords over a full-on rock sound with a timeless quality that proves that after all these years the fire's still burning. --Kevin Cole

A device song like "Open" where each line begins with "Open to..." would be gimmicky in the hands of a lesser songwriter, but Scott's sense of harmony saves the day. -- Michael Ross

Mike's songcraft, poetry, spirit & heart are overflowing here. This is simply one of the best albums ever, full of the most passionate and moving rock music imaginable. "Open" is sheer bliss. Whether solo or with The Waterboys, Mike Scott creates music to open your eyes and lift your spirit. Buy this NOW!!!

Scott explores refreshingly new ground, and maintains a strongly spiritual aspect throughout. Some songs are more serious than others, but all are meant to rouse the listener, to get your attention and say something to you, about relationships, about the meaning of life, about having fun, about identity, and other topics. One of my favorite rock albums of all time.