”If they dismiss me ....”


Globalization, “the increasing movement across borders,” has greatly changed how food is grown and transported across international borders.
Some people view the globalization of food as a positive development. For example, consumers can find bananas from Guatemala, shrimp from Ecuador, coffee from Colombia and Brazil, grapes and wine from Chile and oranges from California. However, while consumers benefit from having access to fresh and cheaper food from all parts of the world, the risks are growing. For example, food contamination that starts one area now is spread widely and can quickly affect the health of large numbers of people in distant places.
There are some people who believe globalization is an advantage and will benefit the future of the world, while others view globalization as a disadvantage that will not benefit but may actually harm the world.

Do you believe globalization is good for the world? Provide your own explanation and reasons to support your decision. Your response should be 100 to 120 words.

そもそもの、“good for the world” って何でも含まれちゃうような「価値判断」なんです。economically and financiallyとか, in terms of world politicsとか、culturallyとか、individuallyとか、何か観点を絞らない限り、「論」が立ちませんから。


I believe globalization is good for the global society for two reasons. First, globalization has benefited the world economy in several ways. Various advances in technology such as the Internet have allowed businesses to expand worldwide. Their expansion has resulted in companies becoming more proficient and competitive. Consequently, the quality of goods has increased and the global standard of living has improved. Secondly, large companies from developed countries, like Japan and the USA, have opened factories or businesses in the developing world to take advantage of cheap labor. Therefore, developing countries, like Vietnam, are provided with money that helps their local economy to grow and prosper. In conclusion, globalization is beneficial to the developed and developing world. (117 words)



  • I believe globalization is good for the global society for two reasons.


  • First, globalization has benefited the world economy in several ways.

general からspecificへという流れを考えれば、「経済面に限定」しての立論で、現在完了で「事実」の指摘は定石でしょう。しかしながら、in several waysと言っているのに、世界の経済に効果的だったglobal化の例が一つしかでてこないのです。しかも、

  • Various advances in technology such as the Internet have allowed businesses to expand worldwide.


  • Their expansion has resulted in companies becoming more proficient and competitive.


  • Consequently, the quality of goods has increased and the global standard of living has improved.

技術水準が向上するから、製品の品質が向上する、というのはまあ頷けるでしょう。しかし、global standard of living って、世界のどこに住んでいるどういう人たちのこと?私も入るの?一体全体、分母をどう考えているのでしょうか?

  • Secondly, large companies from developed countries, like Japan and the USA, have opened factories or businesses in the developing world to take advantage of cheap labor.

ここでも、先進諸国の「勝ち組グローバル企業 (ここでは日米という、本当に勝ち組代表なのか心許ない例証ですが)」の論理が展開されます。to take advantage of cheap labor って、それは「搾取っていうんじゃないの?」

  • Therefore, developing countries, like Vietnam, are provided with money that helps their local economy to grow and prosper.


  • In conclusion, globalization is beneficial to the developed and developing world.

勝ち組グローバル企業の中で見たって、格差は大きいんですから。日産のトップの人の報酬 (年収) と一般職の人の年収とを比べてみたら一目瞭然でしょう。結局、流れに乗っかる人にとっては、流れが続いてくれて、しかも流れが大きく強くなることがより望ましい、というのが「論理」なのです。
本当に、こんなお粗末な「理由付け」を英語で書かせることに (英語) 教育的意義がありますか?
個人的には、今年は、K塾さん (http://kaisoku.kawai-juku.ac.jp/nyushi/honshi/14/ky1.html) のものが一番読みやすかったように思いますが、cheapやlowはやっぱり「比較級」を使って書いた方が良いと思います。

S台さんのサイトから辿れる解答例 (http://www2.sundai.ac.jp/yobi/sv/sundai/sokuhou/sokuhou_D/1337369536324.html)、一つ目の卓袱台返しはいただけませんが、二つ目の解答例は、切り口を「食品のグローバル化」に絞っていること、”global” と “local” の対比をきちんと捉えていることで、「よりマシ」答案と言えるでしょうか。


I think globalization is good for the world. There are three reasons. The first is that it is absolutely necessary for us to import what we don’t have in Japan and export the Japanese products which are needed in foreign countries. Otherwise, we couldn’t keep our standard of living. The second reason is that all the people in the world should have more opportunities to enjoy easy access to fresh and cheaper food. (以下略)



  • There are some people who believe globalization is an advantage and will benefit the future of the world, while others view globalization as a disadvantage that will not benefit but may actually harm the world.

の部分を踏まえて、どちらの立場に立っても、do more harm than good とか、do more good than harm という説明ができていないとダメでしょ?


  • より良い英語で、より良い教材。


  • よりマシ試験で、よりマシ選抜。よりマシ試験に、よりマシ対策。

本日のBGM: The global sweep of human history (Mark Eitzel)