

進学クラス高2の「定義・描写」シリーズは、「古今東西名作紹介」を経て、「偉人伝」へ。まあ、narrativeとdescriptiveとを行ったり来たりできるか、ということでもあります。いつものように、 “The First Dictionary of Cultural Literacy” から切り貼りして、クイズ。まずは、お手本の英語を完成させておいて、それを元に、オリジナルを作ります。

  • The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by the English illustrator and writer Beatrix Potter, is a favorite children's story about a mischievous little rabbit who gets into a farmer’s garden and is almost caught.

  • “Rip Van Winkle” is a short story written in the early 1800s by the American author Washington Irving about a man who goes hunting in the mountains one day and falls asleep for twenty years.
  • “Sleeping Beauty” is a fairy tale about a beautiful princess who is put under a curse that makes her sleep for one hundred years. When a handsome prince finds her and falls in love with her, his kiss releases her from the evil spell, and she awakens.


  • … is a comic book hero who has also appeared in a television show and movies. He can fly, run faster than a speeding bullet, and leap tall buildings in a single bound. He uses these superhuman powers to protect people from evil and injustice.
  • … is a favorite children's play by the Scottish author J. M. Barrie. … is a young boy in Never-Never Land who never wants to grow up. He lives with the fairy Tinker Bell, who teaches him to fly and protects him and his friends from danger. His enemy is the evil Captain Hook, the leader of a band of pirates.
  • … is a fairy tale about a young girl who is badly treated by her stepmother and stepsisters. On the day of a ball (dance), … helps her stepsisters get ready but must stay at home herself. Later, …’s fairy godmother appears and sends her to the ball, warning her that she must leave before midnight. That night, the prince falls in love with …, but at the first stroke of midnight she leaves, dropping one of her glass slippers in her haste. soon after, the prince finds …, for hers is the only foot that will fit the slipper, and they are married.
  • … is a fairy tale in the collection of the Grimm Brothers. … is a beautiful girl with a wicked stepmother. The stepmother owns a magic mirror, and every day she asks it, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” At first the mirror always answers, “You are, my queen,” but when … grows to be a young woman, the mirror says that … is the fairest. Enraged, the queen sends … into the woods to be killed. Instead, the queen’s servant lets the girl go. In the woods, … finds the home of the Seven Dwarfs, and she hides in their tiny cottage. The queen finds her, however, and tricks her into eating a poisoned apple, which makes the girl fall into a deep sleep. Finally, … is rescued by a prince, awakens, and becomes his wife.

というクイズに答える。選択肢は、Cinderella / Frankenstein / Hamlet / Little red Riding Hood / Peter Pan / Snow White / Superman / Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful などというアルファベット順に示された選択肢の中から選べばいいので、容易。
正解を踏まえて、そこで用いられている表現、構文 (準動詞・関係詞などの後置修飾) を真似て、オリジナル作成へ。


  • … was a Roman Catholic nun who lived in India, won the Nobel Prize for peace in 1979 for helping unfortunate and poor people.
  • … was a Spanish painter of the twentieth century and one of the most influential contemporary artists.
  • … was an American inventor of the late 1800s and early 1900s who perfected the electric light bulb and the phonograph, an early form of the record player.
  • … was a comedian and movie star of the early 1900s. His most famous character was the Little tramp, a man with a small mustache who wore a bowler hat, fancy gloves, a ragged suit, and shoes that were too big.
  • … was a Dutch Jewish girl, spent two years hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. She was eventually captured and sent to a concentration camp, where she died. Her diary from her time in Amsterdam was found and published and is now a famous book, …: The Diary of a Young Girl.
  • … , who was blind and deaf as a child, learned to read and write and use sign language. She graduated from college in the early 1900s and inspired many people by overcoming her handicaps. The play and the movie The Miracle Worker are about … and her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who taught her sign language.


  • 植村直己 / 岡本太郎 / 金子みすず / クルム伊達公子 / 黒柳徹子 / 白洲次郎 / 中沢啓治 / 野口英世

高3は、対面リピートやLook up & say など、『L&R』の前課の復習で終始。復習の精度がまだまだ低いようです。奮起を促しておきました。


本日のBGM: 新しい人 (Fishmans)