




Kaptain Sunshineのホワイトデニムを買ったら裾がちょっと長かったので(私の脚の方が短い訳ですが)、裾上げも済ませて気分一新。


2月28日付けのエントリー (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tmrowing/20160228) で取り上げた「東大」の英作文問題の補足。




The point to consider here is that the successful use of a tool alone does not measure the animal intelligence. It depends on how compatible the main purpose of the tool and the main function of the user’s bodily features are. The major premise is that different tools have different purposes and that different animal species have different physical features that serve the most suitable functions for them.

68 words

「動物の機能 (= function)」のミスマッチの部分をどう処理するかで、あれこれと考えていた訳ですが、同じ東大の出題で、リスニングの「講義型」のスクリプトを確認していた際、出典の “Smithsonian” という語に「!」と思い、しばし検索。


冒頭の写真は、この論文からのものです。(journal.pone.0023251.g001.png 直)

Insightful Problem Solving in an Asian Elephant
Preston Foerder,
Marie Galloway,
Tony Barthel,
Donald E. Moore III,
Diana Reiss
Published: August 18, 2011
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023251


The Brains of the Animal Kingdom
By Frans de Waal
March 22, 2013 7:15 p.m. ET

をあげるに留まっていましたが、それよりも1年半ほど前に出された、上記論文を読むと、もともとのリサーチデザインはもっと精緻なものだったことがわかりますね。(論文の注には、実験の過程を示す動画 (S1からS4まで) もありますので実際の映像でご確認下さい。そのうちの S1 はこちらからDLを。http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchSingleRepresentation.action?uri=info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0023251.s005)

論文で要注目は考察 (discussion)の部分。Kandulaというのは被験者(象?)の名前です。


We believe that the problem in previous studies has been in treating the elephant trunk as a grasping appendage analogous to a primate hand. Although the trunk is a highly manipulable appendage, in food foraging its function as a sensory organ may take precedence. The elephant has an extraordinary sense of smell , and the tip of the trunk is as highly enervated as a human fingertip. The trunk has been described as a “refined eating tool. ” It is a superb appendage to locate, examine and acquire food and other objects as it provides the animal with the interaction of olfactory and tactile information. The elephant's eye has a fovea directed at the end of the trunk further facilitating the sensory interaction with visual information. When a stick is held in the trunk, the tip is curled backwards and may be closed, prohibiting olfactory and tactile feedback. These deficits might not deter the elephant from using a trunk-held tool for other tasks but they may inhibit the use of such tools to acquire food. Although elephants have shown the greatest frequency and diversity of tool use of any non-primate mammal, they use tools primarily for skin care. In an extensive review of elephant tool use, only one example of an elephant using a trunk-held tool to acquire food was found. Kandula's placement of the cube to use as a platform brought his trunk closer to the food allowing him to take advantage of his trunk's sensory abilities. We posit that previous failures to observe insightful problem solving in elephants is not indicative of a lack of cognitive ability but rather is due to the reliance on problem solving tasks that precluded the use of the trunk as a sense organ.



  • appendage = a smaller or less important part that is attached to something
  • analogous = similar to another situation, process, etc. so that the same things are true of or relevant to both
  • forage = to search in a wide area for something, especially food
  • enervated = physically weak; lacking in energy or vitality
  • olfactory = of smell; having to do with smelling. The nose is an olfactory organ.
  • tactile = of or having to do with the sense of touch
  • fovea = (Biology.) a small depression or pit; (Anatomy.) A small depression or pit ; esp. the shallow pit in the retina at the back of the eye , which consists of cones and is the site of highest visual acuity
  • posit = to lay down or assume as a fact or principle; affirm the existence of; postulate
  • preclude = to shut out; make impossible; prevent; if one thing precludes another, the first thing prevents the second one from happening

Smithsonian's National Zoo の方も、今では、「台」ではなくて、「球」を使っているようですけど、出演者(象?)は、やっぱりKandula なんですね。

Wild Inside the National Zoo: Elephant Intelligence


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