


  • これって、話は終わったの?


解答解説の冊子を見ると、著作権をクリアーして出題している模様。出典を見て、英文の原典となる本をネットで検索したら、出版社サイトのオンラインストアに当該書籍があり、「中身をチラ読み」できるページ(Read an Excerpt) がありました。

  • まさか、ここでは読めないだろうけど…。


The Success Principles for Teens (Paperback)
How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Author(s): Jack Canfield, Kent Healy




You must take personal
responsibility. You cannot change the
circumstances, the seasons, or the
wind, but you can change yourself.
― Jim Rohn
Self-made millionaire, success coach, and philosopher

その中の “1. 2 When I First Met Jack” という一節が該当の英文。

1. 2 When I First Met Jack
Nathan, 18 (Indianapolis, IN): I didn't meet Jack Canfield under the best circumstances, but looking back, I'm glad we crossed paths.
Jack was at my school working with a group of teachers when he heard me arguing with one of my teachers outside the staff room. He left his meeting, walked over to me, and asked me to explain the situation. I told him (in a loud voice) that I had just been suspended from the baseball team and that this wasn't fair. They couldn't do this to me. Not now!

'What's not fair? And why not now?' asked Jack.
I said, 'We're about to go to the state championships next week, and there will be all kinds of scouts for college teams there, and if they see me pitch, I can get a scholarship to college. I can't afford to go to college without a baseball scholarship. This is my only chance. It's not fair!'
I expected some sympathy, but instead, Jack said, 'Let me ask you a question.'
'When did you first learn that school was not fair? Really . . . tell me the truth.'
'When I was in grade school,' I told him.
'Okay, so why are you standing there pretending to act like you don't know that school is not fair? Every teacher has a different set of rules. Some teachers enforce some rules and not others. Sometimes good kids get bad breaks, and kids who don't play by the rules get away with breaking them. Isn't that true?' asked Jack.
'So it's not about whether school is fair or not. The real question is 'What did you do to get yourself suspended?' I doubt they just randomly picked your name out of a hat. So how did you create this situation―getting yourself suspended?'
'I was late to school.'
'Just once?'
'No, several times.'
'How many times?'
'I'm not sure. Maybe six or seven times.'
Jack then turned to my principal who was now watching our conversation and asked, 'What's the rule here? How many times do you have to be late without a legitimate reason before you get suspended from an athletic team?'
'Three times,' my principal said.
Jack turned back to me and asked, 'Were you aware of this rule?'
'Then why did you break it so many times?'
'Well, after the third time nothing happened, so I didn't think they were serious.'
Jack turned back to the principal and said, 'So this is where the school participated in creating this situation. By not consistently enforcing the rules, you helped him believe there were no rules. This is why he claims it's unfair.'
Jack turned back to me and said, 'But that doesn't let you off the hook. You did know the rule, and you chose to ignore it. So, what did you make more important than playing baseball and getting a scholarship to college?'
I looked Jack straight in the eyes and said, 'Nothing's more important than playing baseball. It's the most important thing in my life.'
Jack responded by saying, 'Not true.'
As you can imagine, this made me angry. He continued, 'You made something else more important than getting to school on time so you could play baseball.
What was it?'
I could feel the pressure, and there was no way to back out. I thought about his question for a moment and then said, 'You mean sleeping in?'
'I don't know. You tell me,' Jack responded.
'I guess that would be it.'
'Is sleeping in really more important to you than playing baseball?'
'No. No way!'
'Then why didn't you get up?'
'Well, when the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button―sometimes more than once―and then I end up being late.'
We talked for a little longer, and then Jack convinced my principal to give me one more shot now that I was more aware the situation and was accepting full responsibility. But, we all agreed, if I was late one more time, I would be suspended with no rights to complain or fight about it.

何が驚きかというと、この模試の英文では、十代の子どもの成長・成熟がテーマのはずなのに、一番肝心な「失敗を人のせいにせず、fully responsibleであることを学ぶ」プロセスも結果も、模試の出題では省かれていたことです。

There was one last problem to solve. I needed a new strategy to make sure I would get up on time. Hitting the snooze couldn't be an option. We brainstormed and came up with several strategies. First, I had to put my clock on the other side of the room so I would have to get out of bed to turn it off. And, second, if I wasn't up by a certain time, I had to pay my mom a dollar to pour ice water on me. I knew my mom would be very happy to do that!

I was not late anymore. Jack helped me realize what it really meant to take 100% responsibility. The rest of my baseball season went well―even my coach commented on my change of attitude. Now, I'm attending college on a baseball scholarship. It's a good feeling to know that I was able to take control and make it happen.

確かに、あまりに好都合すぎるエピソードではありますが、ミスを活かして、成長につながったことが分かる部分です。ここを抜いちゃったら、この文章は全く台無しだろうと思うのです。惜しい、というか残念というか…。当のNathan はなんて言うかな?





  • 1課分の英文をベタ打ちしたA3ハンドアウトをもとに私の範読を聞きながら読み進める。
  • 当然、未習の語彙はわからないし、既習でも未習得の語彙はわからないまま。
  • 最後まで行ったら、裏返して、白紙に「どんな話だったか」を書き出す。
  • 悲しくなるくらい何も書けない。嬉しくない「北島康介」状態。
  • 中には、英語で書けているけれど、それは話の最初の最初だけで、途中からは「?」と空白が続く、という者も。



  • 発問によるContent Schemaの活性化


現代用語の基礎知識 学習版

現代用語の基礎知識 学習版

さらに、学級文庫の中に、”How Things Work” の類の百科事典があるので、その中から見繕って、sustainable energy やreusable energy、solar powerなどの項目を紹介。「みんな、この教室に4月からずっといるよね?」と学級文庫活用への刺激も忘れず。

How Things Work Encyclopedia (First Reference)

How Things Work Encyclopedia (First Reference)

See Inside How Things Work (Usborne See Inside)

See Inside How Things Work (Usborne See Inside)



フィギュアスケートの男子シングルは日本の山本草太選手の優勝、金メダル。銀メダリストは「ラトデニ」という愛称でも人気急上昇のデニス・ワスィリェヴス(正確な発音は私にもよくわかりません;Deniss Vasiljevsというのが欧文表記です)、ロシアのドミトリー・アリエフ選手が銅メダル獲得です。
今季急成長なだけに、フリーでも逃げきれるかと思ったのですが、得意のコンボが合わず、リカバリーも不発で、最後に入れた2A3Tで転倒。僅差での4位となりました。あそこでリカバリーつけてやろうとすること自体驚きです。キスクラで唇を噛み締めている姿と普段の愛らしい白岩選手の笑顔とのギャップは大きかったのですが、「ホントに負けず嫌いなんだろうな」と改めて実感しました。実況の言語が理解できないので、盛んに “Shiraiwa” と言っていたようにも聞こえるのですが、実際何と言っているのか謎でした。(多分、「無難な演技で守りに入っていればメダルを取れたのに、惜しい」みたいなことではないかと思うのですが…。)プロトコルを見て、ルッツのエッジエラー判定には驚きましたが、スケーティングスキルは評価されているので、それほど心配はしていません。


受賞者の歌う曲以外に、先月亡くなったDavid Bowie追悼のパフォーマンスをLady Gagaが担当して話題となりました。私はTwitterで最初と最後の曲は何か?などと事前予想をやっていたのですが、幕が開けばなんと「メドレー形式」。それでも、私が選択肢で出した8曲のうち、6曲は歌ってくれていて満足です。

本日のBGM: Clean (Ryan Adams)